
[WHC2009]Suzanne Oparil教授谈RAS抑制剂与老年高血压 <<

作者:  S.Oparil   日期:2009/11/5 10:09:00


International Circulation: International Circulation is honored to speak to Professor Suzanne Oparil on the occasion of WHC2009 in Beijing and this Chinese guidelines preparatory meeting. We know the ESH/ESC and the Japanese JSH just updated their guidelines for hypertension management, and China and the United States are also in the process of updating their hypertension guidelines. From your perspective, why are organizations updating their hypertension guidelines now in the last couple of years? 《国际循环》:我们知道ESH/ESC和日本JSH刚刚更新了高血压治疗指南,现在,中国和美国也正在更新高血压指南。在您看来,为什么这些年来,这些组织都在不断地更新指南?

International Circulation: We know the FDA approved the indication of several so-called single pill combinations or fixed-dose-combinations as a first line treatment for moderate to severe hypertension, and the updated ESH/ESC guidelines are also moving in the direction of earlier control of blood pressure especially for high risk patients. What’s your opinion regarding the earlier and broader use of combination therapies, such as fixed-drug-combinations, in hyp

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版面编辑:李雅峰  责任编辑:聂会珍


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