
[APCC2011]Nanette Wenger教授介绍心血管疾病的生理性别差异

作者:  NanetteWenger   日期:2011/5/13 15:27:15



    <International Circulation>: When it comes to the key clinical differences with myocardial ischemia in women versus men, what should clinicians be looking for?


    Prof.  Wenger:There is macro-vascular disease but there is also micro-vascular disease. In my cathlab, if we have a woman that comes to the cathlab with an abnormal ischemic evaluation by stress test and she doesn’t have epicardial disease in the cathlab, then we put a flow wire or pressure wire in and measure the coronary flow reserve. That will tell us if there is micro-vascular disease. 

    <International Circulation>:For these patients, when you are looking at PCI versus optimal medical therapy, are there different considerations for women than for men?


    Prof.  Wenger: Absolutely not. The only difference for women versus men is if you have an acute coronary syndrome, the women who do not have positive biomarkers or ECG and those that have unstable angina, because they have an increased incidence of complications of catheterization, an initial conservative strategy is recommended. Other than that, there is no difference.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

肥胖冠心病性别差异弗兰明翰风险评分心肌缺血Nanette Wenger

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