

——ACC 2012主席David R. Holmes教授专访

作者:  DavidR.HolmesJr.   日期:2012/3/23 16:16:47


David R. Holmes:美国梅奥医学研究生院医学教授,是心血管介入治疗领域的权威。2006年David教授获得ACC临床领域杰出科学家奖,2009年当选为ACC继任主席。


  <International Circulation>: I wanted to ask you about aortic stenosis and TAVR.

  Dr Holmes: TAVR is a hugely important issue. Although the rest of the world has had access to it for a long time and there have been some 50000 patients treated worldwide, at least in this country, we only have the single randomized trial released this last fall. We are going to talk about the longer term follow-up of those patients here and there will be studies related to that follow-up: firstly, to make sure the device continues to perform well and continues to be durable; that we are using it in the right patient groups and being evaluated in the right way; and we will be talking about the risk-benefit ratio of it and new approaches, for example, to mitigate events like procedure-related stroke with protection devices. That is the cornerstone of the combination of STS and ACC. This meeting is all about networking between societies, the surgical societies, the imaging societies, the preventative cardiology societies. This is all about building those relationships, because that will be the thing that carries us through.

  <International Circulation>:Do you think we are going to start using the direct aortic approach more frequently in the United States?

  Dr Holmes: I think we will. I think it depends on what the regulatory people do in that regard. It makes sense. There are patients who are not candidates for a transfemoral approach and for whom a direct aortic access will be a very good thing. We are using it some of the time but it will depend upon whether an investigational device exception (IDE) will be required or a new randomized trial or whatever the regulatory agencies decide. It is clearly a great opportunity.

  <International Circulation>: And the transapical approach, is this a thing of the past?

  Dr Holmes: No, I don’t think so. When the trans-apical approach has been assessed in Europe at large centers like Leipzig where they have performed 2500 such transapical approaches, the results have been very good. There is a decrease in stroke in that setting and that looks like being a very useful thing. What is going to happen in the future is that we are going to have the ability to hopefully do these procedures with a very small incision and then percutaneously close that trans-apical incision. That is still a work in progress but I am very excited about that.

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:耶隶晓静


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