
[AHA2011]介入治疗相关问题解读——Scott Wright教授专访

作者:  ScottWright   日期:2011/11/16 19:22:40


<International Circulation>: Regarding clopidogrel, prasugrel, and ticagrelor, in the new guidelines you put in prasugrel as a first line treatment for ACS but ticagrelor is not in there. Why is that?

    Scott Wright  美国明尼苏达州罗彻斯特医院

    <International Circulation>:  Regarding clopidogrel, prasugrel, and ticagrelor, in the new guidelines you put in prasugrel as a first line treatment for ACS but ticagrelor is not in there.  Why is that?

  《国际循环》: 关于氯吡格雷,普拉格雷和替卡格雷,您在新的指南里把普拉格雷作为ACS治疗的一线用药,但是替卡格雷却不在其中,这是为什么呢?
    Prof. Wright:  That is correct.  It is not in there because of a specific rule in terms of righting guidelines, that is, if the drug is not FDA approved by the time the guidelines are being published than it cannot be included.  It is ok to say that we are working on a revision of the guidelines that will address the appropriate use of ticagrelor, which should come out next year.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

普拉格雷替卡格雷氯吡格雷冠脉造影和介入治疗Scott Wright

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